Reviewer: Deborah from Virginia, USA

I purchased the Oryx Goat Whey as a lactose free protein supplments. When I used it I found it to be very sweet, so I read ALL of the ingredients on the package and found that it contains Splenda (Sucralose) which contains chlorine which the human body absorbs, which is a cancer agent...needless to say I am very dissatisfied with this product, and will NEVER purchase it cannot be healthy and eat man made chemicials/artificial sweetners! I rated this 1 Star becasue there wasn't a Zero option.
Reviewer: Patrick from Boulder, CO

I tried Vyo-Tech’s 17-HD on the advice of a built GNC salesman and initially I had great results by way of increased endurance, moderate lean muscle gains and stronger sexual drive after about a week. The latter two were ultimately positive but the first (endurance) is misleading. Upon further review I saw that this product contains a fairly high amount of caffeine. If you don’t believe me take one of these before a late night workout in which you work yourself to the point you are dead tired and you just want to go to bed…plus you could read the fine print. The endurance that I received was the same that I get when I drink a 16 oz. Rockstar. Although I did achieve some results, I am skeptical if the price I paid was worth the benefits.
Reviewer: Mike Dooley from Wenatchee, WA USA

I competed in the 2005 NPC Evergreen state bodybuilding championships in September 24. My bodyweight was 190lbs at 5% bodyfat and 5'9". I placed second in the over 40 group. Four months later, I've been doing almost no cardio whatsoever and consuming normal off-season foods,but I'm still only 6.2% bodyfat and now 200lbs. I attribute this to the three capsules of viraloid per day that I started on in September. I don't waste my money on any other supplements, just clean food and this one truly effective supplement! As an over 40 natural bodybuilder, viraloid has given me a competetive edge.