Reviewer: Armand Reed from USA

I bought Absolute Nutrition products such as NoPhedra and Thyrox. I called these guys because I got severe stomach cramps everytime I used the NoPhedra. There was no one picking up the phones and when I finally got someone it was this pissed off jerk named greg who acted like I was taking up his precious time. Can I rate this company with a minus star?
Reviewer: Seth Darvick from Brooklyn, NY

Hi to all consumers,
I'll tell you why Absolute Nutrition should be avoided. It's because they put crap in their product.
I was one of 2 guys that started Absolute Nutrition in 1998. I had produced product/advertising for Ultimate Nutrition for 10 years, created the ProLab logo and N-Large product, labels etc. Also made ShenMin for BioTech. Have been in the ad/sport nutrition industry for a long time. Originally Absolute was created as a sports nutrition company,but that changed when I found that my so called partner wanted to make a quick buck and approached raw materials manufacturers to create substandard product. I still have written correspondence from a manufacturer to support my claim. THe last people you want to piss off are bodybuilders. Product started to arrive with all kinds of different sized capsules, broken caps and more. I saw the shoddy ingredients as a sign of worse things to come and left. (Oh yeah, I forgot--according to them--I'm a disgruntled employee). The Absolute rip-off guys are still running the show and I believe have a whopping staff of 2 people now working there. That's 2, not 200. If you value your health, you should avoid their stuff with a 10 ft pole.
Seth Darvick