Reviewer: Jezira from Columbia, MO

Power Bars were offered at a walking event. After two hours of walking the bar (chocolate) was way too sweet and gooey and thick. The peanut butter had a few crunchies in it, and I mixed it with a fiber wafer, but the point is not to do so much work for nutrition. Twenty-three bars to go I am looking for someway to make these useful. Any ideas?
Reviewer: Adam from SF, CA

way too chewy/gooey. very hard to chew at first, my teeth got stuck in the bar! ...then it becomes sort of gooey and sticks to the inside of your mouth... not terribly wonderful eating experience, but if you're in a jam and *need* a quick fix, they work.
Reviewer: Bobby from california

i used to eat these before football games. they suck, they dont give any energy at all.
Reviewer: Jon from CA, USA

its like eating taffy so it's not easy on the chompers. taste is ok but my biggest beef with them is they dont hold up well in the sun. afterall, this is an energy on the go type bar, but your out hiking, running, golfing, or whatever, and it's half melted in the wrapper and a nightmare getting it out once it is. there are other bars on the market that hold up better when you're on the go, when you want it